An apartment designed by Alexander Ignatiev. Boen hardwood flooring

An apartment designed by Alexander Ignatiev i-project Studio. As the designer says, he managed to combine different styles and considered all the client’s wishes in order to make the interior not only stylish and looking great, but also cozy and comfortable.

Furniture and decor, complex color shades remind us the interior of 60s. At the same time, the apartment in terms of design and equipment meets modern requirements. It has a clear architecture and zoning of space.

As a floor covering the designer chose Boen hardwood flooring Oak Honey. Warm golden color of natural oak matches this interior perfectly.

Design: Alexander Ignatiev i-project Studio

Photo: Egor Pyaskovsky

Style: Tatiana Korzun

Projektas buvo paskelbtas Interior+Design svetainėje.

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